The Communist Party of Poland condemnes attempts to interfere in Cuban internal politics.

Warsaw March 27, 2024.

The Communist Party of Poland condemnes attempts to interfere in Cuban internal politics. US interference and propaganda campaign have recently intensified following the protests that took place on March 17 in Santiago de Cuba.

Currently US imperialism attempts to use real economic difficulties and shortages of fuel and some common goods, to start social upheaval. It is a scenario implemented by the capitalist powers around the world, when nations try to overcome the power of the international capital and the US domination. Activities of US diplomacy were usually behind social conflicts and nowadays it attempts to interfere into Cuban internal policy.

The Communist Party of Poland for a long term sympathizes and supports Cuban Peoples’ struggle for socialism and independence from western capital. On numerous occasions we have expressed our condemnation of the economic blockade by the US aimed at the destruction of Cuba by deteriorating the situation of its population.

The CPP wishes the Cuban people unification in the struggle to overcome present difficulties, develop the state economy and defeat US demagogy and propaganda.

(Embacuba - Polonia)

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