Cuba participates in the International Dance Day Festival.

Kingstown, Saturday, April 27, 2024. A dance festival on the ocassion of the International Dance Day took place last Saturday at the Botanical Garden of Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, where more than 10 dance performances from 4 countries were exhibited.

Cuba presented a 6-couple "Rueda de Casino" or "Salsa Round Dance", formed by members of the Cuban community, health and construction collaborators and members of the Embassy, who wore t-shirts with the logo of the "Live Better: End the Embargo" campaign and danced the well-known theme "They call me Cuba", by Alexander Abreu and Havana de Primera.

The Cuban ambassador to this country, Carlos Ernesto Rodríguez Etcheverry, greeted the audience, thanked the organizing committee and expressed that there is no better way to build bridges between nations than through culture. 

The International Dance Day Festival "Unity in Diversity: Celebrating Global Rhythms" was organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Cuban Embassy in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines/Cubaminrex).

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