Cuban Ambassador exchanges with editor of Searchlight newspaper.

Kingstown, April 17, 2024. – The editor of the Vincentian newspaper Searchlight, Mrs. Corletha Ollivierre, visited this morning the Embassy of Cuba to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and was received by the Ambassador Carlos Ernesto Rodríguez Etcheverry.

During the exchange several topics related to Cuba, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the regional and global situation were addressed. The Ambassador gave details about the current situation in Cuba and highlighted elements linked to the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against our people.

Searchlight is published by Interactive Media Limited, which was incorporated in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in March 1995. The first edition of the newspaper was published on Friday, April 7, 1995. Searchlight is currently published on Tuesdays only online and Fridays in print. (Embassy of Cuba to St. Vincent and the Grenadines/Cubaminrex).

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