Position of the Association friends of Cuba in Poland on the blockade against Cuba

Position of the Association friends of Cuba in Poland on the blockade against Cuba

In relation to the next debate on US sanctions against Cuba at the United Nations General Assembly, we call for the lifting of the barbaric blockade that this country suffers.

The arbitrary sanctions of the United States against Cuba are rejected by almost every country in the world. If the US government maintains them, it constitutes a manifestation of unjustified hostility, including an act of aggression. The blockade prevents the normal development of a peaceful country. In particular, we consider it outrageous and illegal to impose sanctions on third countries that have economic relations with Cuba.

We also appeal to world public opinion and US citizens to pressure the US administration to stop its aggressive policy towards a neighboring country.

Each peaceful country has the right to its own development path.

Long live Cuba and the Cubans!

Association of friends of Cuba in Poland

Warsaw, 5.11.2019

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