Solidarity with Cuba from St Kitts and Nevis on FREEDOM FM's afternoon radio slot

Solidarity with Cuba from St Kitts and Nevis on FREEDOM FM's afternoon radio slot

Basseterre, October 2, 2024: Within the framework of the activities for the working visit to Saint Kitts and Nevis of the senior official of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples, Tamara Armenteros Alcee, the radio station Freedom FM dedicated a space on this Wednesday afternoon, to discuss the solidarity movement with Cuba that is rising in this Federation.

The Cuban official, also accompanied by Ambassador David Rivero and the president of the SKN-Cuba Friendship Association, Telca Wallace, after the initial greetings and explaining the objectives of her visit, had the opportunity to publicly thank the people and government of this Federation, for the historic support in the fight against the US blockade that has caused so much damage to Cuban families. She especially thanked the associations that make up the solidarity movement from this corner of the Eastern Caribbean.

Telca Wallace, representing the solidarity movement, recalled the main moments that have led to the existing ties between both peoples, strengthened over the years. She mentioned important local persons who have contributed to firming this fraternal relationship, essentially the beloved Professor Earle Clarke, who pass away in 2023, but who worked tirelessly in favor of just causes, among which Cuba was always a priority for him, until his last days.

Ambassador Rivero, for his part, provided an update on the status of bilateral ties based on cooperation in Education and Health, as well as the existing possibilities for expanding them into new areas. On the other hand, at the political level he referred to the invariable support of Saint Kitts and Nevis to Cuba, during the last decades, in various multilateral forums, referring to the most recent speech of the Prime Minister of this Federation, Honorable Doctor Terrance M. Drew at the United Nations, where he made a strong call to end the blockade and remove Cuba from the State Department's spurious list of sponsors of terrorism.

It was an special occasion provided by Freedom FM so that the warm greetings from Cuba and gratitude for the historical accompaniment, reach each resident of St Kitts and Nevis, by the voice of Tamara Armenteros.

Freedom FM has coverage throughout St. Kitts and Nevis and is also heard on the neighboring islands of Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Barths, Montserrat and St. Maarten. Its rich variety of musical programming and talk shows, news, daily live shows, make this a popular station among its audiences.

(EmbaCuba San Cristóbal y Nieves- Cubaminrex) 


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