#Cuba #NOMAS BLOQUEO #Solidaridad

Puentes de Amor calls for a Tweetathon against the U.S. blockade of Cuba

The leader of the Puentes de Amor solidarity project, Carlos Lazo, called for a "tuitazo" next Wednesday, February 9, to demand an end to the U.S. blockade against Cuba.

The Cuban-American professor urged people of good will, regardless of their ideologies, to post messages on their social networks in favor of lifting the unilateral siege that is suffocating Cuban families.

We are Cuba Viva, the country that resists and triumphs

(Transcript: Presidency of the Republic/Translation: GI)

Dear Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and compañeros of the Historic Generation;

Compañero Esteban Lazo, President of the National Assembly of People’s Power and of the Council of State;



Cuba is honored to have compañero Gerardo Hernández Nordelo as a member of our Council of State, today, six years since his return to the homeland. (Applause)

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