
Solidarity rally called in front of the Cuban Embassy in the US

Representatives of solidarity organizations will gather on Sunday to express their support for Cuba in front of the Cuban Embassy in the United States, which was the victim of a terrorist attack on Sunday night.

Activist Calla Walsh, co-president of the National Network of Solidarity with Cuba, convened the rally, scheduled for Monday afternoon, at 5:30 p.m., local time, to bring flowers to the diplomatic headquarters in rejection of the new aggression and as a sign of support for the Caribbean island.

Cuba's Head of Mission in Liberia condemns terrorist acts against the island on Victims of State Terrorism Day.

Monrovia, October 6, 2021 - On the Day of the Victims of State Terrorism we remember with deep sorrow the horrendous crime of Barbados in 1976, date in which the people of Cuba mourned because of the destruction of a CUBANA plane in mid-flight that took the lives of 73 people on board.

Only the courage of a leader, only the warmth of a wounded people, compact and firm after the news, kept the relatives of the victims on their feet.

Liberia-Cuba friendship group condemns Cuba's Inclusion on Terrorist Sponsorship List

Monrovia, January 12, 2020.- In the afternoon of today, the president of the Liberia-Cuba Friendship Association, Kesselee Kanneh, representing the members of the solidarity organization, sent us the organization's position and denunciation of the slanderous and unjust inclusion of Cuba on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

Solidarity group condemns in Liberia intensification of US blockade and the complicit silence of US in the face of armed attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington.

Monrovia, October 31, 2020 - The Liberia-Cuba solidarity group denounced the complicit silence of the US government and the evasion of justice for those guilty of terrorism against Cuba, while a growing intensification of the blockade against Cuba, which has lasted more than six decades, is taking place.

In a statement, the solidarity group expressed its support for the Cuban people in their six-decade struggle against the economic blockade and the aggressive US policy against Cuba.

Virtual Press Conference offered by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, May 12, 2020.

(STENOGRAPHIC VERSION – PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC) Juan A.Fernández (Moderator).- Good afternoon. From the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, we announce the beginning of the press conference that will be offered by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, about the terrorist attack perpetrated against our embassy in the United States on April 30 last. Follow the  link:   


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