Scientists and doctors zap theory that microwave weapon injured Cuba diplomats
By Sarah Kaplan and Joel Achenbach
September 6 at 1:43 PM/ Washington Post
A series of attacks with a microwave weapon is the latest theory for what could have sickened or distressed roughly two dozen people associated with the U.S. Embassy in Cuba over the past two years.
This hypothesis, advanced in recent days in several news reports, dominated a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing on Cuba policy Thursday afternoon. But a panel of State Department officials said there is still no explanation for the reported injuries.
“On the Road of Che” International Brigade
Dear friend: Please receive the fraternal and cordial greetings of the Cuban Institute of Friendship (ICAP) with the Peoples. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, ICAP invites all friends to participate in the second edition of the International Brigade “On the Road of Che.” This brigade will be composed of delegations from around the world interested in knowing about Che’s legacy in Cuba and in reaffirming their solidarity with the Cuban Revolution.