2023 will be a year of intense work by associations of solidarity with Cuba.

2023 will be a year of intense work by associations of solidarity with Cuba.

Basseterre, January 25th: This 2023 will be a cycle of many initiatives and joint activities, from the associations that make up solidarity with Cuba in the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Their main representatives, Telca Wallace, of the SKN-Cuba Friendship Association and Hollis Prentice, of the graduates’ association, held meetings with the diplomatic staff of the Embassy of Cuba, in which they presented their plan of activities planned for the whole year.

The 170th anniversary of the birth of José Martí, the 28th anniversary of St. Kitts and Nevis and Cuba relations, the permanent denunciation of the US blockade against Cuba and the celebration of Cuban Culture and the remembrance of Fidel, are among the main commemorations planned.

Ambassador David Rivero took advantage of the meetings to thank association members for all the solidarity and support that these associations of friends of Cuba permanently carry out.

Relatives of some of the local fellows, who are part of the membership of the group of friends, expressed the commitment they feel to Cuba for the opportunity offered to their children. "It is a duty for us to be on Cuba's side, we could not do less than this," said the mother of a future medical doctor.

(EmbaCuba SanCritóbal y Nieves- Cubaminrex)

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