Belize City celebrates life of Cuba’s Fidel Castro

Belize, December 19, 2016. A memorial service was held at Belize City Hall on Friday to commemorate the life of Cuba’s recently departed, Commandant Fidel Castro Ruiz. 

The event was also in celebration of Cuba’s CARICOM day, which is a celebration of the partnership and relationship between CARICOM states and the Cuban government. The day is officially observed on December 8th.

The Mayor of Belize City gave a quick recap of the event and its origin stating: “In 1972, four CARICOM states formally recognized and engaged in diplomatic relationship with Cuba. At that time, it was a very significant gesture because of the backlash that these countries suffered from the United States, due to the significant amount of pressure that was vested against Cuba by the US. …Later in 1981 when Belize gained its Independence, it joined the other CARICOM states in recognizing the autonomy of Cuba.”

Her Excellency Lissette Perez, Cuban ambassador to Belize was present. She commented on the extent that the Cuban medical brigade have impacted the lives of many CARICOM nations. She also stated that there exists the potential for future cooperation among the nations.

Foreign Minister along with other dignitaries attended the event to pay tribute to Cuba’s greatest leader who died earlier this month at the age of 90 after a long battle with medical issues.

Doctor Ludwig Palacio who was one of the students that benefitted from medical training in Cuba donated a sculpture to the Cuban ambassador in memory of the late Commandante and the Cuban people. The description of the piece is “never surrender, never give up”.

The event was a partnership between the Belize City Council and the Cuban Embassy.

Posted by The Reporter Newspaper on December 17, 2016 at 11:23 am

By Michelle Sutherland, Staff Reporter

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