Celebration of the 58 Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution in Tesaloniki

Celebration of the 58 Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution in Tesaloniki

Last February 12, the Hellenic Cuban Association of Friendship in Tesaloniki , Greece, celebrated the 58 Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution with a political and cultural activity with Cuban and Greek Music. The introductory remarks were made by  Apostolos Skoufas, President of the Association and the central speech was made by  Nikkos Mottas, General Secretary. It was emphasized the importance of the Cuban Revolution as symbol of socialism, of struggle and resistance and as example for the world.  A heartfelt words were said in honor of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro. The Ambassador of Cuba in Greece Zelmys Maria Domínguez Cortina said a gretting to those present and thanked  the historic friendship between th Greek and Cuban Peoples. There were present, besides the members of the Association, members of he Communist Party of Greece, the Peace Movemment, the Consul of the Cuban Embassy and some Cubans that live in that Greek City.

Comunidad cubana