Cuba and Yemen ratify their interest to collaborate in the field of health

Cuba and Yemen ratify their interest to collaborate in the field of health

Riyadh, February 22nd - Ambassador Vladimir Gonzalez met the Minister of Public Health and Population of the Republic of Yemen, Dr. Qassem Mohammed Buhaibeh, who visited Cuba in October 2022 to participate in the IV International Convention "Cuba-Health 2022” and the XV Trade Fair “Health for All”.

The head of the Technical Office at the Ministry of Public Health and Population, Dr. Mosleh Al-Toali, as well as other officials of that organization also participated in the meeting.

Dr. Buhaibeh appreciated the opportunity to have attended the aforementioned international events in Cuba, as well as the attention received from its authorities. He remembered with particular pleasure the visit to the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), where he had the opportunity to exchange with the young Yemenis who are been trained as doctors in that prestigious institution.

The Yemeni minister also recognized the extraordinary effort the Island is making to maintain its collaboration with other countries in the health sphere, despite being subjected to the unfair blockade imposed by the United States for more than 60 years. He specified that this has only been possible due to the great human capital formed by the Revolution, even in those difficult circumstances.

Dr. Buhaibeh thanked the scholarships granted by the Cuban authorities to 19 Yemeni students in 2021 and 2022 to study medicine at the ELAM, and expressed his desire to reestablish the presence of Cuban health collaborators in Yemen, once the situation in that country normalizes.

For his part, the Ambassador thanked the Yemeni authorities for maintaining their vote at the United Nations General Assembly in favor of the resolution condemning the United States blockade. Likewise, he ratified Cuba's willingness to collaborate with Yemen in the health sector, despite the adversities.

The Cuban diplomat also expressed to the minister his full readiness to work to continue developing bilateral relations, whose establishment turned 50 years in 2022, based on the historical ties between the Cuban and Yemeni peoples. (EmbaCuba Arabia Saudita)

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