Intervention of the Second Secretary, Karlen regaiferos Cruzata, during the 62nd Session of the Preparatory Commission of the CTBTO.
Mr. Chairman:
The delegation of Cuba is especially grateful to Dr. Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary, for his opening remarks and the presentation of his report, as well as to the Provisional Technical Secretariat for the documents prepared for the purposes of this meeting.
Our country attaches great importance to the international disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation architecture and, at the same time, advocates the universalization and prompt ratification of the Treaties that make up the current regime, including the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).
We consider it transcendental to expand the links between the CTBT Preparatory Commission and the work associated with other instruments, such as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
ikewise, within the Organization, the full functioning and operation of the Provisional Technical Secretariat, the Preparatory Commission and the Subsidiary Bodies must be guaranteed; for this reason, we must work on the basis of exhausting all efforts to reach consensus, respect the sovereign equality of the States and try to avoid the politicization of the technical debates and the decision-making processes.
Mr. Chairman:
With regard to training, we reiterate our opinion on the positive impact of the Support and Participation Program for Technical Experts from developing countries. This program has favored the participation of an expert from Cuba in the technical discussions of Working Group B, which has been of benefit to all.
Nevertheless, we must continue to denounce the direct implications for our relationship with the CTBTO of the illegal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed against Cuba and the inclusion of my country in the spurious list of State sponsors of terrorism.
Mr. Chairman:
We reaffirm the need to ban, completely and unconditionally, all nuclear tests, including subcritical and other tests conducted by modern non-explosive mechanisms.
In conclusion, we must reiterate that only the political will of States can enable us to achieve greater progress in nuclear disarmament. The ratification of the CTBT and its urgent entry into force are indispensable conditions for achieving, in the near future, a world free of nuclear weapons.
Thank you very much.