Cuba celebrates Human Rights Day with concrete advances.

Havana, Dec. 10, 2023 - Cuba celebrates this Sunday the International Human Rights Day (HRD) with concrete advances in the promotion and protection of human rights for all its citizens, despite the challenges of the U.S. blockade.

Seventy-five years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the country is strengthening its legal framework and guaranteeing the full exercise of these essential principles.

According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Anayansi Rodríguez, the United Nations document that includes human rights, considered basic for any society, has a special meaning in the Cuban society.

In statements to the press, she recalled that Cuba endorses in its Constitution the search for the greatest social justice for all and identifies human dignity as a fundamental right and premise in the construction of its socialist system.

This -he pointed out- is the guarantee of the enjoyment of all the prosperity and social justice that a society can ensure from the institutional point of view, but it is also expressed in practice, in the materialization of all those rights.

Not only the defense of political and civil rights, but also economic, social and cultural rights seen in their universality and integrality, including the right to development, to peace, to life, which are continuously and flagrantly denied to other nations.

Rodriguez affirmed that Cuba's election this year to the United Nations Human Rights Council, for the sixth time, is in line with the Caribbean country's performance in this area.

We have challenges like all nations that aspire to greater social justice, but this is a recognition of what Cuba has done not only to guarantee the promotion and protection of human rights for its citizens, but also for the world, for its solidarity.

He also pointed out that the largest Antillean island has been an almost permanent member of the Human Rights Council and was also a member of the former Commission on Human Rights, due to the role it plays on the global stage.

Its contributions to the body, through initiatives related to the right to peace, solidarity for the realization of human rights, food and development as part of the Non-Aligned Movement, are appreciated by the international community, said the official.

In the midst of a complex economic scenario and the unprecedented strengthening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade as part of the fifth-generation war imposed by the United States, Cuba is making progress in strengthening its legal and institutional framework, following the proclamation of the Constitution in 2019.

The Caribbean nation also has a long history of cooperation with all human rights mechanisms that are applied on a universal and non-discriminatory basis.

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