Intervention by the Second Secretary, Karlén Regaiferos Cruzata, on behalf of the Cuban delegation to the Legal Subcommittee of Copuos. April 15-26, 2024.
Agenda Item 4: General Exchange of Opinions.
Mr. Chairman,
On behalf of the Cuban delegation, I wish to express our full support for your chairmanship of the 63rd session of the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee.
We reiterate the responsibility of this Subcommittee, as a forum established, within the framework of the United Nations, to discuss and promote an appropriate legal regime that guarantees the long-term sustainability of Outer Space.
Mr. Chairman:
Cuba's position is clear regarding the use and exploration of outer space. These must be for peaceful purposes, under equal conditions for all States, without discrimination and in full compliance with the established technical and legal norms.
We reiterate that the United Nations treaties on outer space, together with other relevant instruments, constitute an important basis for the study of the existing legal framework for space-related activities.
The legal regime for outer space should be strengthened in order to ensure the safety, security and transparency of space activities.
The legal mandate should drive the strengthening of international cooperation, primarily to promote broader and more effective participation of developing countries in space activities; as well as greater equality in access to the benefits of space technology and its applications, in order to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
Mr. Chairman:
It is paramount to advocate for the legitimate right of all States to have equal and non-discriminatory access to outer space; and to benefit from cooperation, training and transfer of space applications and technology.
That is why we condemn the application of unilateral policies that limit the right and participation of States in all space operations, and we must once again denounce the effects in this area of the economic, commercial and financial blockade applied against my country.
Mr. Chairman:
We take note of the work carried out by the Working Group on the Legal Aspects of Space-related Activities of the Subcommittee, as recognized in General Assembly Resolution 78/72 of December 7, 2023.
In addition, it continues to be an imperative, supported by Cuba, to direct the work of the Subcommittee towards efforts to promote the negotiations and adoption of a multilateral treaty for the prevention and prohibition of the placement of weapons in outer space.
In addition, it continues to be an imperative, supported by Cuba, to direct the work of the Subcommittee towards efforts to promote the negotiations and adoption of a multilateral treaty for the prevention and prohibition of the placement of weapons in space. In our opinion, such an instrument should also prohibit the use or threat of use of force against satellites or other types of space objects.
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, we reiterate that the efforts of the international community should be directed towards the use of space technologies for the development and welfare of mankind and, in this context, we urge Member States to support the work of this body.
Thank you very much.