GENEVA, December 10, 2016.- Cuba is celebrating the development achieved in areas such as health, education, science and culture on Human Rights Day, as per a statement of the Cuban diplomatic mission at the UN headquarters in Geneva.
The diplomatic mission expressed in a statement that Cuba has much to celebrate, because the triumph of the Revolution in January 1959 allowed its citizens to make significant progress in the enjoyment of all their rights.
'The Cuban people can show the world, with satisfaction and pride, all that has been achieved in the area of economic, social and cultural rights, in the area of civil and political rights and in the realization of so-called third generation rights,' the text said.
'This has been achieved despite the current policy of economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States for more than five decades, which represents the greatest obstacle to the full realization of the right to development and a systematic and flagrant violation of human rights of the Cuban people,' added the statement.
The embassy also highlighted Cuba's international solidarity in a wide range of areas such as the struggle against domination and colonialism, programs to promote access to health and education, among others.
'Cuba remains committed to facilitating, as an active member of the Human Rights Council, the attention of the just historical claims of the peoples of the South and of the majorities all over the world,' it said.
This concerns issues such as the effective realization of the right to development; combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; and ensuring full respect for the principles of universality, indivisibility, objectivity and non-selectivity in strengthening cooperation on human rights. (Cubaminrex-PL)