Cuba maintains effective control of radioactive sources throughout their life cycle.

Speech by Colonel Ariel Matos Rodriguez, Head of the Directorate of Security and Protection of the Ministry of the Interior and Head of the Cuban Delegation to ICONS 2024.

Mr. President:

The Cuban delegation congratulates you on your election to preside over this important Conference, ratifying our permanent willingness to contribute to its success.

Nuclear Security is a priority issue, with important implications for all, so its effective management does not admit exclusions or selectivity, requiring shared effort and commitment.

We value positively the work of the Agency in achieving consensus approaches to Nuclear Security, which, due to its significant influence, of interest to all States, should not be minimized or ignored.

In this regard, while recognizing the fundamental responsibility of each State to ensure its own nuclear security, we appreciate the importance of complementing national efforts with international cooperation from both other States and the IAEA.

Mr. Chairman:

Our country has made significant efforts in nuclear accounting, control and security and today we can show, with healthy pride, positive results.

Cuba is included among the countries that do not have undeclared nuclear and radioactive material and among those in which all declared material is used in peaceful activities, in strict compliance with the standards established by the IAEA.

The country has a solid system of regulation and control of nuclear and radioactive materials and has created an inter-institutional infrastructure that consolidates nuclear security throughout the national territory.

The national legislation in force guarantees the strictly peaceful use of nuclear energy, as well as of the equipment and technologies associated with it, and is in line with the nuclear conventions and treaties to which our country is a party.

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Ministry of the Interior and the General Customs of the Republic, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, act jointly to comply with the requirements of radiological safety and nuclear security.

Cuba maintains effective control of radioactive sources throughout their life cycle, in line with the objectives of the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its complementary guidance documents; while complying with its obligations as a Party to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) and its Amendment and calling to continue promoting its universalization.

Free and unimpeded technological exchange among States has a highly beneficial impact on the strengthening of nuclear security at the international level. The legitimate right of all States to have access, without discrimination, to the best nuclear security technology available in the world must be respected.

We are very concerned about the persistence of undue restrictions on exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technologies for peaceful purposes to some developing countries. Such restrictions should be removed immediately.

In this context, once again, we are forced to denounce in this Conference that our country has been and continues to be a victim of these restrictions and prohibitions, as part of the cruel and illegal blockade policy applied for more than 60 years against Cuba by the government of the United States.

In spite of these affectations, Cuba will continue to allocate important human and material resources to guarantee the safe handling of nuclear materials; and with its proven vocation of solidarity and support for multilateralism, it will continue to share its experiences in this field with other countries in need.

Mr. Chairman:

We are convinced that the results of this Conference will be a significant reference for the international community in its efforts to strengthen nuclear security and make it increasingly sustainable.

I conclude by emphasizing the great responsibility we all have in ensuring the success of this important Conference. Present and future generations have every right to live in a safer and more sustainable world. Cuba will contribute in every possible way to the achievement of that noble goal.

Thank you very much.

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