Statement by the Jose Marti Cultural Association – Solidarity with Cuba
June 10, 2020
In a further move against the Cuban revolution, the US government has undertaken moves towards designating “Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism” once again.
According to a May 14 report by Reuters, US government officials have indicated that “There is a ‘convincing case’ that Cuba should be placed back on the U.S. blacklist, in part because of its continued backing for socialist Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and the refuge it gives to leaders of Colombia’s ELN rebel group.”
The report continues to explain that “In what was possibly a preliminary step, the Trump administration said on Wednesday it had put the Communist-ruled island back on a separate list of countries that do not cooperate fully with its efforts to counter terrorism.”
These moves are part of a general policy of tightening the US imposed economic, trade, commercial and financial embargo that has been in place for almost 60 years during the administrations of 11 US presidents – Democratic and Republican.
These measures have gone hand in hand with a media barrage of misinformation and lies aimed at smearing the Cuban revolution.
The aim is the overthrow of Cuba’s socialist revolution and the re-imposition of Washington’s imperial dominance over the island.
It is the height of cynicism that Washington is charging the Cuban revolution with terrorism when unarmed African American civilians such as George Floyd in Minnesota, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and so many others like them are murdered by the police and racist vigilantes in the US. It seems to us and to millions of people in the US and elsewhere, that Washington should be dealing with the terrorism of these police forces.
It is also the height of cynicism that Washington is charging the Cuban revolution with terrorism when it has organized assassination attempts against leaders of Cuba, when it has organized numerous military coups in Latin America against elected governments not to its liking. Most recently Washington was implicated in a coup attempt against the elected Venezuelan government headed by Nicolas Maduro. Washington has been involved in constant wars of aggression for almost 20 years now in the Middle East.
Cuba is not a state sponsor of terrorism it is a sponsor of human solidarity as the tens of thousands of Cuban doctors have shown over and over again through their selfless voluntary efforts in over 60 countries, including now during the COVID-19 epidemic.
We say no to the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism!
We demand an immediate end to the US imposed embargo on Cuba!
We demand the return of the US occupied Guantanamo base to Cuba!