Speech by Second Secretary Karlén Regaiferos Cruzata on behalf of the Cuban delegation to the IAEA Board of Governors.
Presentation of the Report of the Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee (TACC) November 18-19, 2024.
Mr. Chairman:
The Cuban delegation thanks the Deputy Director General, for the introductory remarks and the Secretariat for the documentation prepared.
We recognize the work carried out by the Agency in favor of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as in favor of achieving progress in the role played by women in the nuclear field, with the Marie Curie and Lise Meitner Fellowships, from which Cuban professionals have benefited in several editions.
We recognize the IAEA's efforts to promote initiatives that contribute to the confrontation of global problems. We highlight, in particular, the Rays of Hope initiatives, for cancer care for all; NUTEC Plastics, to address plastic pollution; ZODIAC, to implement integrated measures against zoonotic diseases; and Atoms4Food to increase food security through the use of nuclear technologies.
Cuba reaffirms the importance it attaches to cooperation without conditions or unilateral coercive measures and, in this regard, we reiterate our denunciation of the effects on technical cooperation resulting from the application of the illegal economic, commercial and financial blockade against our country and the unjust inclusion of Cuba in the spurious and unilateral List of State Sponsors of Terrorism issued by the government of the United States, which hinders the work of the IAEA and Cuba's access to all the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
Mr. Chairman,
We once again highlight the management of the Division of Technical Cooperation for Latin America and the Caribbean. Cuba has been among the countries that have benefited from cooperation opportunities, and has demonstrated a high level of compliance with its commitments since its participation in national, regional and inter-regional projects.
We reiterate our willingness to continue contributing to the exchange of knowledge with other Member States, with the support of experts and the use of our facilities. These strategic commitments have been reaffirmed with the signing of Cuba's National Program Framework during the last General Conference.
We consider it a positive development that the Cienfuegos Environmental Studies Center (CEAC) has been officially designated as a Collaborating Center of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the application of nuclear and isotopic techniques in studies for the integrated management of coastal zones and climate change. The Agency thus has its first marine research center on a small island.
Mr. Chairman:
This year, the Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL), a cooperation mechanism for our region that has played a fundamental role in supporting our countries, celebrates 40 years of its entry into force. We congratulate all its members and the Secretariat.
Finally, we welcome the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Program, which will take place on November 26-28, 2024. We trust that this venue will reaffirm the commitment of all to the promotion of science and cooperation, as well as the important role of the IAEA in ensuring access by developing countries to the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, without discrimination or selectivity.
Thank you very much