Cuban Ambassador holds meeting with United Nations Economic and Social Joint Secretary´s Division of the Ministry of External Affairs of India.

New Delhi, November 25, 2021. Cuban Ambassador to India, Alejandro Simancas held a meeting with Srinivas Gotru, Joint Secretary of the United Nations Economic-Social Division of the Ministry of External Affairs. During the exchange, the good state of the historical ties that unite both countries was verified, not only from the bilateral point of view, but also in the multilateral sphere.

Both diplomats agreed on the common positions that the two countries defend on various issues that rule international relations such as: respect for international law, multilateralism, self-determination and non-interference in the internal affairs of third States, among others.

The opportunity was propitious to reiterate the support of both countries to the strengthening of the Non Aligned Movement, of which both India and Cuba are founders and defenders of the postulates of this Group.

Srinivas Gotru, reiterated India's invariable position in favor of lifting the unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States Government on Cuba.

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