Cuban ambassador presented Letters of Credence to the Sultan of Brunei

Letters of Credence

Florentino Batista González presented this Saturday, August 12, the Letters of Credence that accredit him as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the State of Brunei Darussalam.

Batista González delivered the document to His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, who received the Cuban diplomat at the seat of government, the Nurul Iman Palace, located in the capital of the Islamic country, Bandar Seri Bagawan.

The occasion was propitious for the diplomat to convey to the Sultan a message of gratitude for the fraternal relations between the countries and the invitation to attend the Summit of the Group of 77 plus China (G77+China), which will take place soon in Havana.

The Cuban ambassador designated as concurrent in Brunei since 2021, delivered his Letters of Credence together with other diplomats accredited in the Southeast Asian nation.

Cuba and the Sultanate of Brunei have maintained diplomatic relations since 1997.

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