Cuban delegation participated in the 13th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management
Basseterre, December 6, 2024: This Friday concluded in Saint Kitts the 13th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM 13), in which a large delegation from Cuba participated, headed by First Colonel Luis Angel Macareño Véliz, second head of the National State of Civil Defence. Under the slogan "Road to Resilience - Control Point 2024: Levelling up for a dynamic future", this event took place for five days at the Marriott Hotel of this Federation.
For the first time, St. Kitts and Nevis hosts a program of such magnitude, which brought together regional and international experts, professionals and policy makers, to explore innovative strategies for disaster management and resilience development in the Caribbean.
The Cuban side was also represented by the Doctor of Science, Enrique Diego Arango Arias, head of the National Seismological Service; the master of Science Jorge Olivera Acosta, specialist in the studies of natural danger, vulnerability and risk of the Environment Agency of the Ministry of Sciences, Technologies and Environment; Colonel Danai Rivera García, head of Communications of the National State of Civil Defence and the engineer Argelio Omar Fernández Richelme, of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources.
Among the main speakers was Doctor of Science of Cuba, José Rubiera Torres, who serves as Vice Chair - Hurricane Committee WMO Regional Association IV (North America, Central America and the Caribbean)
The conference featured a diverse program of keynote speeches, roundtables, workshops and bilateral meetings, designed to address the challenges and changing opportunities in disaster risk reduction and management. It turned out to be the first event of its kind organised in the OECO region.
CDM 13 not only produced valuable information, but also served as a space to continue promoting collaboration in order to strengthen the region's resilience to disasters.
(EmbaCuba San Cristóbal y Nieves- Cubaminrex)