Pretoria, April 04, 2024 - The Cuban Embassy in South Africa and members of the medical collaboration brigade commemorated the 62nd anniversary of the Young Communist League (UJC) and the 63rd anniversary of the José Martí Pioneers Organisation (OPJM).
Gisellis Batista, secretary of the Party in the mission, recalled the words of the Commander-in-Chief, Fidel Castro at the congress of the Association of Young Rebels (1962), where the UJC was born: "We need Cuban youth to have great faith in themselves and Cuban youth to have a great awareness of their extraordinary responsibility". The Cuban youth of that time, and the generations that came after, had the faith in themselves and the awareness of responsibility that Fidel demanded, the secretary pointed out.
She also stressed that on this April 4, 2024, Cuba still needs youth to have great faith in themselves and a great awareness of their extraordinary responsibility, in order to continue defending the Revolution.
(Cuban Embassy in South Africa)