Cuban Head of Mission holds exchange with Minister of Public Works of Liberia.

Monrovia, June 15, 2022 - In the afternoon, Cuban diplomat Mercedes L. Martinez Herrera, head of the Cuban mission in Liberia, held an exchange with the recently appointed Minister of Public Works Mrs. Ruth Coker Collins who has Herculean tasks in the supervision of Liberia's infrastructure sector.

During the conversation, the Liberian minister praised the work carried out by the Cuban doctors in the fight against the deadly Ebola virus, highlighting their professionalism, capacity and humanism.

The occasion was propitious to review current national and regional issues in Liberia and the new normality in Cuba with the control of the pandemic due to the effectiveness of Cuban vaccines, which constitutes a new victory, in spite of the tightening of the U.S. blockade.


Embacuba Liberia.

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