Belize, January 23, 2017. Cubans residents in Belize expressed their support for the Cuban Revolution during the event that took place last Friday 20th, at the House of Culture of Belize.
Dr. Ramón Roberto Varela Gonzalez, spoke during the event that also included the screening of the documentary "Ode to the Revolution" by director Roberto Chile.
"In a day like this, the Cubans who live in Belize cannot fail to mention our appreciation for the Cuban Revolution.” Those were the first words of Varela, who is a member of the vast community of Cubans residing in this sister nation.
The speaker also welcomed the US government's decision to left without effect the dry-feet-wet-foot policy, noting that "the new commitment must lead to the normalization of migratory relations (between Cuba and the US) and prevent human trafficking in persons and death of innocent lives as a result of dangerous practices”, in a clear reference to the victims of the US Cuban Adjustment Act.
During his speech, Varela also made reference to recognized passages of Cuban history, that led to the popular triumph 58 years ago.
Varela made special mention to the friendly relations between Cuba and Belize, and after referring to our country's support for the independence process of this Caribbean nation, he recalled the visit that the departed First Belizean Prime Minister George Price made to Cuba, on which occasion he received The "Orden José Marti" from the hands of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro.
"The gigantic work of the Cuban Revolution," concluded Varela: "has been primarily of a moral character, rendering special worship to the full dignity of man as dictated by our National Hero Jose Marti."
Embacuba Belice