The Association of Cuban Residents in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines issued a Declaration condemning the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Law and the upsurge of the U.S. blockade against Cuba.
Next, the text of the document:
The current U.S. government, commanded by President Donald Trump, continues to threaten the brave Cuban people with its dirty and petty policies, this time with the activation of the infamous Title III of the Helms-Burton Law.
We Cubans residing in SVG strongly reject the decision that the U.S. courts establish lawsuits against Cuban entities, which today belong to the working people, further intensifying the unjust blockade imposed to Cuba for more than 6 decades.
We also reject the measures taken, that limit the remittances and the trips of U.S. citizens to Cuba.
We call for the respect of our independence and sovereignty, that we be allowed to build our socialist system in Cuba, thus facilitating the social, political and economic development of our nation.
Down with the genocidal blockade!
Down with the Helms-Burton Law!
Homeland or Death!
Association of Cuban Residents in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, "Juan Almeida Bosque".