Cuban scientist in Wellington presents advances on the research to achieve a new vaccine


Wellington 20 November- In the framework of the 2015 Student and Postdoc Symposium organized by the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology of the University of Victoria, Majela Gonzalez Miro, young scientist of the Finlay Institute, who is part of a collaborative project between this Cuban entity and the Polybatics Company presented on the progress of her investigation. The prestigious Massey University, located in the city of Palmerston North, New Zealand, serves as headquarters for this project.

During her presentation, Gonzalez Miro presented the preliminary results obtained following two years of work in the search for a vaccinal candidate, that is based on the combination of nanoscience and protein engineering, aimed at preventing diseases such as meningitis and bacterial pneumonia.

This symposium, dedicated to Mātauranga Māori, Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials is held in alternate years and is benefited with an extensive participation of post-graduate students from New Zealand universities with curricula in science. Mātauranga Māori, defined as the knowledge, comprehension and understanding of visible and invisible phenomena in the universe, exemplifies the inclusion of local traditions in the field of science in New Zealand. (Embacuba New Zealand)

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