Declaration of the Community of Ethiopian Cubans in Europe

The Hague, January 17, 2025. Declaration of the Community of Ethiopian Cubans in Europe

The Community of Ethiopian Cubans in Europe celebrates the decision announced by the president of the United States, on the withdrawal of Cuba from the spurious and unilateral List of State Sponsors of Terrorism, in which it should never have been registered.

This decision, although it comes a little late, after years of demands from the Cuban people and the international community, is going in the right direction and should be the prelude to the definitive elimination of the inhumane blockade imposed for more than 6 decades against the beautiful island.

Cuba, heritage of resistance and with unprecedented Resilience; An example of solidarity and altruism, he deserves to live in peace and develop his economy without the limitations imposed by the criminal economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States government.

We, proud children of that country, which adopted us as its own and formed us with its humanist and solidarity principles, raise our voices once again to demand the end of the blockade.

Long live Cuba and down with the blockade!

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