Dozens of Cubans donate their blood to the Pediatric Hospital of Jamaica

Dozens of Cubans donate their blood to the Pediatric Hospital of Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica, June 17, 2022. Between yesterday and today, some 22 members of the Cuban State Mission in Jamaica –including officials from the Embassy and Cuban collaborators in Health and Education– staged a massive donation of blood, within the framework of World Blood Donor Day, which is commemorated on June 14 of each year.

At the National Blood Bank in this capital, 17 members of the mission voluntarily donated their blood, while another 5 donated in other parishes on the island.

At the end of the day, the Cuban ambassador Fermín Quiñones and Dr. José Armando Arronte, head of the Cuban Medical Brigade in Jamaica, formally delivered the donations of our compatriots to the Alexander Bustamante Pediatric Hospital, so that they can be delivered to children who need it to successfully face surgical procedures. The authorities thanked the valuable gesture of the Cubans, who reaffirmed our willingness to support in whatever way possible, even offering our own blood, to the brotherly people of Jamaica..

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