Embassy of Cuba in South Africa pays tribute to Commander in Chief Fidel Castro

Pretoria, 23 November 2023.- The staff of the Cuban Embassy in South Africa as well as representatives of the collaboration brigades that are part of the Cuban state mission in this country paid tribute to our Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz, seven years after his passing to immortality.

In the words of the Defence Attaché, Jousé Ortega, the Commander-in-Chief was remembered for his enduring example for all Cubans, his extraordinary leadership qualities and profound moral values, as well as his internationalism, his solidarity with the peoples of the world, which he extrapolated to the solidarity and internationalism of the Cuban Revolution.

Particularly emotional for the participants was listening to the poem "Canto a Fidel", by Carilda Oliver, a beautiful song to the Commander in chief, which perfectly reflects the feelings of thousands of people around the world.

(Cuban Embassy in South Africa)

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