Ethiopia celebrates Spanish Language Day

Addis Ababa, May 14, 2024. As every year, the Spanish-speaking embassies represented in Ethiopia gathered at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to celebrate Spanish Language Day. 

The conference organized by the embassies of Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela was held as a tribute to the history, culture and relevance of Spanish as an official language in the United Nations and the second most spoken language in the world.

Dance, music, poetry and art accompanied the development of the activity, which was attended by several non-Hispanic embassies accredited in the country and that enjoyed through artistic manifestations the variation of the language according to the countries. 

This year, representing the Embassy of Cuba, and with the help of the Ethiopian salsa school "Shine Dance Studio" along with the sound of "Me dicen Cuba", the Cuban salsa stood for our culture and identity.


Comunidad cubana
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