An event is held at the York University on education in Cuba

The Student Federation of York University, in the Canadian city of Toronto, organized today the event "Cuba and its education model", where panelists shared their experiences and analyzed the main characteristics of the island's education system.

Speakers included Julio Fonseca, president of the Juan Gualberto Gómez Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto; Elizabeth Hill, president of the CCFA-Toronto; Adaeze Mbalaja, Ontario representative on the national executive of the Canadian Federation of Students; and Jorge Yanier Castellanos Orta, Consul General.

After the presentations, a debate was generated that included solidarity towards Cuba, the rejection of the inclusion of our country by the US in the list of state sponsors of terrorism and concrete actions that members of the student organization can take to combat the disinformation campaign against our people were identified.

The Consul General, accompanied by Consul Sabdiel Lafargue Moreno, gave an overview of the humanist and inclusive vision of education in Cuba, on the impact of the US blockade on this sector and recommended following the presentation of the draft resolution against the blockade at the United Nations General Assembly on November 1 and 2.

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