Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Haiti suffers from a serious humanitarian and security situation, which exacerbates social instability and poverty caused by centuries of colonial and neocolonial plunder, underdevelopment and foreign intervention.
The United Nations Security Council approved a resolution authorizing the deployment of a Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, whose troops will be able to use force in their field of action.
This is not the first time that the Council has ordered a military deployment in that country. On this occasion, he responds to a request from the Haitian authorities.
Cuba is in favor of peace and stability in Haiti, the first Latin American and Caribbean country to revolt against European colonialism, to achieve independence and to abolish slavery in the Western Hemisphere.
We defend the legitimate rights of its people to find a peaceful and sustainable solution to the enormous challenges they face, based on full respect for their sovereignty.
The main pending task of the international community with Haiti is not to send a military contingent.
This sister Caribbean nation, with which the international community owes an enormous moral debt, needs more financial resources for its development. It urgently requires more and better international assistance and cooperation, not only for its reconstruction, but also to advance the sustainable development of the country.
Unfortunately, many of the amounts of financial and material aid committed by the international community to Haiti, as development aid and to deal with the effects of natural disasters, were insufficient, were not disbursed, or were absorbed for their own expenses by countless foreign non-governmental organizations and program implementation agencies. On many occasions, the will of the Haitian authorities nor the priorities they established were not respected.
Cuba reiterates the call to address the situation in Haiti with due attention to the structural, economic and social problems of the country. Insists on the need to establish effective aid mechanisms that guarantee the efficient use of all resources provided by the international community for the benefit of the Haitian people.
We support the call of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) for a long-term development strategy in Haiti.
Our country has cooperated with Haiti and concentrated its efforts in areas where they can have the greatest impact, such as public health, a key element of Haiti's sustainability and social stability; and also energy, water, education, agriculture and sports.
Uninterruptedly, Cuba has maintained, since 1988, a brigade of health professionals and technicians in Haiti, to unconditionally support its people, even during the impact of meteorological and seismic events, the cholera outbreak and the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19.
Cuba maintains its commitment to solidarity with Haiti and will continue to provide it with its unconditional help. The noble Haitian people need and deserve more resources and cooperation from the international community.
Havana, October 6, 2023