International Congress ABOGACÍA 2017


This will be the sixth edition of an event that has established itself as a space for the analysis of the different matters of Law, from the perspective of judicial conflicts and their alternatives. Lawyers, justices, attorneys, university professors and legal operators will be able to participate, as well as Law students and specialists or researchers interested in related disciplines. 


The Transnational Dimension of Civil Conflicts.




Provisional Remedies in Civil and Family Processes.




New Concepts on Family.Parent-Child Disputes and Their Relationship with Migration Regulations.




The citizen- administration relationship.Administrative Procedures. Judicial Control over Administrative Decisions




Procedural Reformations.Current Trends.


II. Criminal Litigations




Criminal Defense from the Perspective of International Legal Instruments




Criminal Defense during the Preparatory and Intermediate Stages, Proceedings before Illicit Evidence




Effective Public Defense and Defense Ex-Officio, Organizational Criteria




Agreements or Conformities in Criminal Cases Resolution: The Defender's Intervention.




Ethical Limits to the Exercise of Technical Defense. Conflicts between the Defendant and the Defender




Effectiveness of Appeal in the Reparation of Judicial Errors




The Role of the Defender in Criminal Execution: Past, Present and Future.




Lawyers Facing New Technologies: Data Protection, Electronic Contracts, Cybercrimes, Computer Related Damages, Secret Disclosure, Frauds, Criminal Deceptions, Blackmail. Law Practice Projection




Criminal Defense Facing New Special Methods for Criminal Investigation in the Struggle against Organized Crime: Communication Interception, Supervised Delivery, Undercover Agent and Effective Cooperation. Procedural Demands.




Situational Prevention of Crime in the Risk Society.Technical or Criminological Prevention.


III. Economic, Commercial and Financial Litigations




Economic Deal.Contractual Responsibility.Resolution of Business Conflicts.




Legal Regulations in Foreing Investment.Trading Conflicts Resolution.




Trading Contracts and Litigations.The Judicial and Alternative Ways of Conflict Resolution.




Rights, Financial and Bank Regulations of New Businesses.Strategies to Avoid Money Laundering.National and International Regulations.




Tax and Finance Law.Business Tax Strategies.




The Legal Approach to Accounting and Finance.




Intellectual-Property-Related Disputes. Industrial Property, Trademarks, Patents, Technological Transfer.


IV. Law Practice, Legal Thinking, and Ethical and Professional Projection




Deontology, Ethics, and Professional Projection.




Bar Membership and Professional Organization of Law Practice.




Training and Access to Profession.Lawyer's Training.




Challenges of Law Practice Globalization.


V. Labor Law Disputes




The Right to Information and Workers' Involvement in Business Administration.




International Social and Economic Integration.Labor Rights, Trade Union Movement and Social Movements.Experiences and Perspectives.




Labor Relationships: New Actors in the Cuban Economic Model.




The Role of Unions in Legislative Modernization.




Social Security and Assistance. Challenges of Law Facing Population Aging.




Legal Labor Relation and Disability.Challenges and Realities.


VI. Land and Environmental Law Disputes


•                 Processes and Procedures in the Field of Land Law.

•                 Disputes onAgriculturalInheritance.

•                 Food and Agriculture Quality and Safety.

•                 AgriculturalContracts.

•                 Environmental Disputes and Agriculture.



Business and Government Social Liability Facing New Ways of Business Organization.







Papers may have one or more authors, and should be submitted in soft copies before July 30, 2017,


including a one-page abstract,title, author (s), occupation, institution and country.





Before the sessions of the Congress, September 25 and 26, important academic activities for Law professionals, legal operators, students, businessmen and business women will be held on the following topics:


•Litigation and International Commercial Negociation and Trading Processes.


•Litigationin Labor Matters.







Delegates: 250.00 CUC




Speakers: 200.00 CUC




Accompanying people: 80.00 CUC




Undergraduate students: 170.00 CUC




AbogacíaFounding Members: 170.00 CUC


Payment will take place directly at the Conventions Center or from abroad through: o


AbogacíaFounding Members and students should provide relevant accreditation documents at the moment of registration.


Delegate includes credential, materials of the event, participation in all activities of the Scientific Program, and certification as participant or speaker.


Accompanying people will be able to participate in scientific and social activities of the event.




For Further Information, please visit



Contact the Organizing Committee:


Lilia Maria Hernández Doejo: Secretary of the Organizing Committee and the Technical Commission of the Congress. Tel.: (537) 214 4278 fax: (537) 214 4278. E-mail:


Elizabeth Moya Linares: Coordinator of the Organizing Committe and the Technical Commission of the Congress Tel.: (537) 214 4278-214 4276. E­mail:;


Ana Cecilia LópezBueno, Coordinator of Foreign Delegations. Tel. (537) 2144276.E-Mail:


Wilma Madams Jiménez: Esp. Specialist in Promotions and Sales. Interprise Organizing Congresses, Fairs, Exhibitions, PALCO Group. Email: Tel.: ( 537) 2 08 43 98/ 202 6011, ext. 1105

Jacqueline González: Specialist Comercial Eventos e Incentivos Tritón Havanatur T&T Sucursal Habana Email:

Telf:(53) (7) 201-9861/2019780



Migdalia Luna Cisneros: Professional Congress Organizer. Tel.: (537) 208 6176 Fax: (537) 202 8382. Email:

(Embacuba Austria)



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