On December 4th, 2020, representatives from the; Ministry of Education (Tertiary Education Unit), Foreign Affairs, Health, and the Cuban Embassy, respectively, all participated in the interview session of young Belizeans who are applying to study medicine in Cuba. As customary, members of the Cuban Medical Brigade Head also participated.
The session took place virtually due to the restrictions consequently imposed as a response to the coronavirus pandemic. Thankfully, this meeting is the last step of the scholarship program Cuba has historically offered to the CARICOM community.
On this occasion, the selection of scholarship recipients for the academic year 20-21 takes place a few days before the VII Summit of Heads of States and Governments Cuba-Caricom, which will be held on the 8th of December 2020 which will renew the lasting friendship and cooperation among our nations.
Traditionally, Caricom has also ratified its solidarity with Cuba by rejecting the US blockade. Also Caricom has recognized Cuba's contribution to the formation of a strong human resource sector in the region.
Long live Cuba-Belize friendship and our historical relations.
Long live Cuba - CARICOM.!!!