Iranian Health Minister welcomes Cuban Ambassador

As part of his farewell to the Iranian authorities for the end of his mission, Cuban Ambassador Vladimir Gonzalez Quesada was received by the Minister of Health and Medical Education, Dr. Hassan Qazizadeh Hashemi, who also serves as co-chair of the Cuba-Iran Intergovernmental Commission.


During the meeting, which took place in a cordial atmosphere, the Ambassador conveyed the congratulations of the Cuban Minister of Public Health, Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda, to his Iranian counterpart, on the occasion of his recent ratification as minister for the new government of President Hassan Rohaní in his second term.


The two sides also discussed the possibility of a future visit to Iran by Dr. Morales Ojeda, in order to reciprocate the recent visits of Dr. Qazizadeh Hashemi in Cuba, forming part of and leading official Iranian delegations.


The Minister and the Ambassador took advantage of this opportunity to review the most important events that took place during the last four years in the context of bilateral ties, with emphasis on the exchange of official visits and the celebration of the XVI session of the Intergovernmental Commission last February 2017 in Havana. They agreed that more efforts could be made to implement everything agreed during this last event and expand bilateral collaboration.

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