Juan Gualberto Gómez Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto Demands End of US Blockade on Cuba

Toronto, September 26, 2016- Yesterday, the Juan Gualberto Gómez Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto released a statement demanding the end of US blockade against Cuba which has been in force for more than five decades and still affects the Cuban people.

On the occasion of the presentation of Cuba´s report on Resolution number 70/5 of the United Nations General Assembly, entitled “Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade Imposed by the United States of America on Cuba”, and in view of the United Nations General Assembly voting next October 26, the Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto made the following statement:

Statement by the Juan Gualberto Gómez Association

The Juan Gualberto Gómez Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto joins our people and millions of friends of Cuba around the globe to demand the end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade being imposed by the United States of America on Cuba for over fifty years.

In spite of the process of normalization of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the US, the latter still keeps this siege on the Island, violating the human rights of all Cubans. The Blockade hampers and affects the living standard of Cubans, jeopardizes the programs undertaken by the revolutionary government and is the biggest hindrance to Cuba´s development.

We also demand the US to close the international torture center built in Guantanamo and to return this territory illegally occupied since 1903 to its legitimate owner, the Cuban people.

We demand the US government to stop interfering in Cuba´s internal affairs and the immediate dismantling of projects aimed at creating, promoting and financing opposition movements inside the Island.

Finally, we expect the government of the United States to comply with International Law regulations and to show, with action rather than mere rhetoric, that it is willing to build a respectful relationship with Cuba.

Consulate General in Toronto
