Liberia-Cuba solidarity group condemns aggressions and campaigns against Cuban artists and intellectuals.

Monrovia, June 7, 2023 - The Liberia-Cuba solidarity group, formed among its members by connoisseurs and followers of the culture of the Greater Antilles, condemned the campaign of sabotage and aggression against Cuban culture and its prestigious artists and intellectuals who were recently the target of aggressions encouraged, promoted and carried out by elements of the transnational extreme right.

They also rejected the pressures to which the owners of establishments and entities that organize and host tours and presentations by Cuban artists are subjected.

They also supported the fact that Cuba does not renounce to exhibit its culture anywhere in the world and responds with firmness and unity to every aggression.

In spite of the fact that Cuban culture suffers the impacts of the most brutal economic, commercial and financial blockade in the history of humanity, it has not given up in more than 60 years of hostile policy of the U.S. government. While its worldwide discredit increases with these ruses, Cuba counts on the extraordinary support of this solidarity organization that challenges the blockade and joins the prestigious voices from different continents in support of Cuban culture.


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