Monrovia, December 3, 2024 - Latin American Medicine Day is celebrated on December 3. The EMBACUBA LIBERIA collective took advantage of the occasion to extend their genuine congratulations to the Cuban workers in this sector.
They also sent special recognition to the Cuban collaborators who fought Ebola in this West African country and also congratulated the Liberian doctors graduated in Cuba from the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM).
This commemoration honors the birth of the illustrious Cuban physician Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay y Barrés, born in Camagüey in 1833. His invaluable contribution in identifying the Aedes aegypti mosquito as the vector of yellow fever marked a before and after in the history of medicine and the fight against epidemics.
On this historic date, the Cuban Embassy in Liberia congratulated all Cuban health workers, both those who are in the first trenches of combat in the country and the thousands of collaborators who, honorably, provide their services in other parts of the world.
To all health workers, respect and congratulations on this Latin American Medicine Day!
Embacuba Liberia