Liberian Minister of Youth and Sports receives Cuban Head of Mission.

Monrovia, October 14, 2020.- In the morning hours of today, the Liberian Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Zeogar Wilson received in his office the Chargé d'Affaires of the Cuban Embassy in that African country Mercedes L. Martínez Herrera.

The Cuban diplomat conveyed to the Liberian Minister Cuba's gratitude for the support of Liberia to the Major of the Antilles, in various multilateral forums, and in the fight against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States. In this regard, she offered updated data on the impact of the blockade in the field of sports, highlighted the extraterritorial nature of the Helms Burton Act, listed recent measures taken by the Trump administration against Cuba in times of pandemic COVID-19, and denounced the campaign orchestrated by the US against Cuban medical collaboration. Likewise, he ratified the disposition and willingness of the Cuban government to consolidate the existing relations since 1974, diversifying to the maximum extent possible the areas of bilateral cooperation.

For his part, Minister Wilson, after thanking the visit made by the representative of the Cuban diplomacy, underlined the capacity of Cuba and the government's willingness to guarantee the training of high-level professionals, in key branches such as health, agriculture and education. He also highlighted the important role played by the health professionals who fought Ebola in Liberia during the epidemic that the country suffered between 2014 and 2015.

Finally, he expressed his wish that niches in the area of sports can be identified where we can work together to help in the sports development of Liberian youth.

During the meeting, both parties conveyed their satisfaction for the meeting, which took place in a cordial and fraternal atmosphere.


Embacuba Liberia

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