KINGSTON, JAMAICA, September 26th, 2017.The Peace Council of Jamaica made a public statement urging all the governments from Latin America and the Caribbean to act in correspondence with the Declaration of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to preserve the region as Zone of Peace, through the signature and ratification of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, launched by United Nations last September 20th, 2017.
Likewise, the Peace Council of Jamaica request the United Nations to apply sanctions against nations that possess nuclear weapons that do not cooperate with the appeal to eliminate them or have not signed the Treaty for the Proscription of Nuclear Weapons in a determined term.
The text also demands the United Nations to impose sanctions to countries that carry out wars, including economic and media wars aiming at a regime change and the control of natural resources. It also suggests that the funds collected from that sanctions should be used by the affected nations in their recovery from natural disasters and to face and reduce the impact of climate change that is denied by some governments who are also the main contaminants.
The statement calls the United Nations to censor those world leaders who use the General Assembly podium to provoke a nuclear crisis, to promote hostility and to threat nations like Cuba and Venezuela that have chosen their own destiny to development and are offering a positive example of international cooperation.
Within the framework of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Jamaican pacifists express their concern for the rising of the conflict and war rhetoric between United States and North Korea, and appeal for the pacific dialogue and to respect the UN efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.
The statement concludes by urging the peace loving peoples from the nine nations that possess nuclear weapons join their voices with other countries to alert their countrymen and thus contributing to the prevention of an imminent disaster.
Embacuba Jamaica