Premier of Nevis receives Ambassador of Cuba on a working visit.

Premier of Nevis receives Ambassador of Cuba on a working visit.

Basseterre, January 29, 2024 - On this Monday morning, the Premier of Nevis, Honorable Mark Brantley held a warm meeting with the Cuban Ambassador David Rivero Pérez who was accompanied by Dr. Odalis Abreu Guirado, Head of the Cuban Medical Brigade, on a work visit to this island.

Once again, the Honorable Brantley conveyed to the visitors his condemnation of the unjust blockade imposed by the United States Government on Cuba as well as his gratitude to the Greater Antilles for its contribution in the health and education sectors, both from the assistance, as well as development and training of human resources.

After a review of the current state of cooperation, which was confirmed to be in a very good moment, the Cuban diplomat shared with his counterpart some new ideas that can be evaluated to expand existing ties towards new sectors such as tourism, construction and agriculture. The Premier, for his part, was interested taking into account the needs of his island in this regard, previously explained.

Nevis, despite belonging to the Federation made up of two islands, has an autonomous administration and therefore has its own local development needs. Mark Brantley, in addition to being the main administrative figure in this, also serves as leader of the opposition in the Federal Parliament.

(EmbaCuba Saint Kitts and Nevis- Cubaminrex)

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