President of the Liberia-Cuba friendship group visits Cuban Embassy.

Monrovia, September 13, 2021 - It was with great pleasure that the President of the Liberia-Cuba friendship group, Mr. Kesselee K. Kanneh, visited our Embassy and was received by the Cuban Head of Mission Mercedes L. Martinez Herrera.

Both had the opportunity to have a very productive and fraternal conversation, and to review the programming of the activities of the solidarity group in the last four months of the current year.

The leader of the solidarity group expressed his support for Cuba in the fight against the blockade, recent aggressions and media manipulation, and conveyed his deep respect and admiration for Cuba.

It is always a pleasure to share with friends who carry Cuba in their hearts. It is impressive how present the experiences lived in our country are still present in their appraisals on topics of our current reality.


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