Saint Kitts and Nevis and Cuba: 29 Years of Fraternal Ties

Saint Kitts and Nevis and Cuba: 29 Years of Fraternal Ties

Basseterre, 10 May 2024: As we approach three decades of diplomatic relations between our nations, we reflect on all the good we have achieved together, but also on the responsibility that challenges us to work harder and better, for the benefit of our sister nation.

Since May 10, 1995, 29 years ago, Cuba and Saint Kitts and Nevis began a path in which mutual cooperation, solidarity and friendship have laid the foundations of a fraternal and unbreakable relationship.

Cooperation in the field of health continues to be the fundamental pillar that strengthens this bond. Over the years, dozens of Cuban professionals have passed through the main hospitals of this Federation, providing a better quality of life to its inhabitants.

In this last cycle, medical specialties have been incorporated for the first time, as part of the training, something that was not previously available. This is something that the public recognizes and appreciates.

With regard to the education sector, the training of professionals from friendly countries is still a priority for the Republic of Cuba. As of 2024, the quota of scholarships awarded to Saint Kitts and Nevis each year has doubled.

To date, more than 100 young people have graduated from Cuban universities in careers in medical sciences, economics and engineering, among others. Currently, there are more than 40 students who are studying Cuba.

In the same way, both nations ensure the commitment to the search for new ways to diversify existing relations and cooperation, through the identification of other sectors of mutual interest and benefit. Spheres such as agriculture and construction could be, in the near future, new areas that will favor the strengthening of the current ties that unite the two nations.

We continue to work together both as a regional bloc and bilaterally on other issues of common interest such as political and social integration, human and economic development, as well as climate change and the reduction of the effects of natural disasters; issues that we will be able to address through unity, cooperation and concerted action.

The persistence of an unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba for more than 60 years, and its unilateral and fraudulent designation as a State sponsor of terrorism; not only reinforces the negative impact on the development of the Cuban nation, but it certainly undermines the legitimate ties established by governments, entities, banks and businessmen with this sister nation.

Authorities of the government of this Federation have denounced this cruel policy against Cuba in several forums and have reiterated their solidarity and unrestricted support for this nation.

Cuba is grateful for the firm and unwavering position maintained by the people and government of Saint Kitts and Nevis throughout these 29 years, despite the great challenges, pressures and threats of the enemies of the Cuban Revolution.

At the same time, Cuba reaffirms its firm commitment to maintaining cooperation and solidarity with this sister nation and reinforces its willingness to resolutely support common efforts to promote the progress of our territories.

(EmbaCuba Saint Kitts and Nevis - Cubaminrex)


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