Speech by the Head of the Delegation of Cuba at the 68th Plenary Meeting of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency


Mr. Chairman:

The Cuban delegation congratulates you on your election to preside over this session of the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as the rest of the members of the bureau, ratifying our permanent willingness to contribute to the success of this meeting.

Our delegation also congratulates the new member states of the Cook Islands and Somalia on their incorporation to this Agency.

Mr. Chairman,

The global context in which we find ourselves is not encouraging, climate change threatens us all, causing more poverty and hunger. Powerful countries and corporations are devoting their resources to less noble tasks than to alleviating this situation. Incalculable resources are wasted on the development and modernization of nuclear weapons, while development aid commitments are not met.

We reiterate the importance of strengthening the promotion of science and cooperation as fundamental pillars for making social and economic progress possible, particularly in developing countries.

Likewise, we reiterate our commitment to multilateralism and nuclear disarmament in a transparent, verifiable and irreversible manner, for which we consider that the universalization of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will be crucial.

In the current complex international scenario, we recognize the IAEA's efforts to promote initiatives that contribute to confronting global problems, such as hunger and climate change. We highlight, in particular, the Atoms4Food initiative to increase food security, manage natural resources, ensure food safety and sustainable agricultural development through the use of nuclear technologies.

We recognize the work that the Agency has been developing in favor of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. As well as in favor of the advancement of women in the nuclear field, with the Marie Curie and Lise Meitner Fellowships, of which Cuban professionals have benefited in several editions.

Mr. President,

We once again highlight the management of the Division for Latin America and the Caribbean. Cuba has been among the countries that have benefited from cooperation opportunities, and has demonstrated a high level of compliance with its commitments since its participation in national and regional projects. These strategic commitments were reaffirmed with the signing of Cuba's National Program Framework this week.

The Cienfuegos Center for Environmental Studies (CEAC) has been officially designated as a Collaborating Center of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the application of nuclear and isotopic techniques in studies for integrated coastal zone management and climate change. 

This recognition reinforces our mission to contribute to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, through training, research and dissemination of knowledge.

We will continue to work closely with the IAEA to further advance this important work.

This year, the Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL), a cooperation mechanism for our region, which has played a fundamental role in supporting our countries, celebrates 40 years of its entry into force. We congratulate all its members and the Secretariat.

Mr. Chairman:

Cuba attaches great importance to Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Nuclear Security and Nuclear Safeguards and promotes the integration of all of them in the application of nuclear techniques. Proof of this are: the updating of the Decree Law on the use of nuclear energy and other sources of ionizing radiation, the actions of the Regulatory Authority, and the coordination achieved for the successful realization of the International Course on Nuclear Physical Safety, held in Cuba in February of this year.

Our country has fulfilled its commitment to submit its national report for review at the 8th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. Additionally, a request has been formalized to the IAEA to carry out an IRRS mission to the country in 2026, which is evidence of Cuba's willingness to continue improving its performance in relation to nuclear safety.

Cuba supports the activities of the Ibero-American Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Agencies, which continues to contribute results for the strengthening of nuclear, radiological and physical security in the Ibero-American region and at the international level.

We welcome the initiative for the formulation of a new Code of Conduct aimed at strengthening the Technological and Physical Security of the transport of radioactive materials, an essential link in the development of nuclear applications.

Our country continues to honor its Nuclear Safeguards commitments with full transparency. The implementation of a new nuclear safeguards regulation in the country will continue to strengthen the national regime for the control of nuclear materials.

Mr. President:

Cuba condemns the intensification of the blockade policy that for more than 60 years the US government has maintained against Cuba and its extraterritorial application, which threatens the development of our country, the welfare of its citizens, violates International Law and hinders the full exercise of our right to the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

We express our rejection of unilateral coercive measures that affect the development and sovereign rights of States.

Mr. Chairman,

We thank the Agency for its contribution to the development of national capacities through technical cooperation and we urge it to continue seeking new forms of management that allow the satisfaction of the growing needs of its Member States.

Cuba, faithful to its tradition of solidarity, places at the disposal of all countries, especially developing countries, its human resources and capabilities acquired in these years of successful cooperation with the IAEA, for the use of nuclear technologies for peace and sustainable development.

Thank you very much

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