Unwavering solidarity with an unwavering people and party

It is with deep solidarity and unwavering support that we, Danish Communist Party, extend our hand to the courageous people and leadership of Cuba in the midst of the electricity crisis you are confronting and the devastation brought on by hurricanes and earthquakes, which took a heavy toll on infrastructure and other materials, as well as the human lives. This crisis does not exist in isolation; it unfolds against the backdrop of a brutal, decades-long blockade aimed at suffocating Cuba's socialist experiment. The U.S.'s relentless efforts to strangle Cuba economically must be recognized as the root cause of this suffering. In these trying times, it is crucial for the global community to stand united and demand an end to this injustice. The international community has consistently demonstrated its solidarity with Cuba, as seen in the repeated UN votes calling for an end to the blockade. Yet, despite overwhelming global consensus, two nations— the U.S. and Israel—continue to block these efforts, perpetuating human suffering. Hypocrisy at the cost of human suffering must end! As communists based in the heart of the imperialist world, it is our responsibility to lead the charge in exposing and opposing these destructive policies. We must organize our own people to understand the connection between Western imperialism’s need to suppress nations that dare to pursue independent paths of development and the broader struggle for global justice. Only by educating and mobilizing the working class in our countries can we pave the way for a lasting policy of mutual cooperation between nations. It is not in the interest of working people anywhere to starve other nations into submission. Once this truth is widely understood, we can begin to build a world where such criminal actions are no longer tolerated. The emerging multipolar world faces a critical test: can it step up to support nations like Cuba that remain under the stranglehold of imperialism? By taking decisive action to help Cuba break free from U.S. interference, the global community can make a powerful statement and take a significant step toward a fairer, more just world. Danish Communist Party stands ready to support any global actors willing to take practical steps to resolve the crisis in Cuba. We are committed to helping Cuba realize the full potential of its revolution, free from the oppressive grip of U.S. imperialism, and to working toward a future where all nations can chart their own course without fear of external coercion. Danish Communist Party reaffirms its internationalist duty to support the Cuban Revolution, and we will continue to amplify your struggle in our own country, pressuring our government and the European Union to end the complicity in the blockade and adopt a position of solidarity with Cuba. Long live the Cuban people! Long live socialism! End the blockade now! In solidarity, Kaivon Kjems International Secretary, Danish Communist Party

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