
Cuba and Austria Will Sign Accord for Economic Collaboration

Havana, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) The Austrian vice-minister of Science, Research and Economy, Bernadette Marianne Gierlinger, is  beginning a visit to Cuba today, with the purpose of signing a memorandum of understanding on international economic collaboration.

According to a press release published on the website of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, the Austrian official was invited by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment.


Cuba and Austria will sign accord for economic collaboration

The Austrian vice-minister of Science, Research and Economy, Bernadette Marianne Gierlinger, is beginning a visit to Cuba today, with the purpose of signing a memorandum of understanding on international economic collaboration.

Laying the foundations for Cuba’s pharma industry

Today, Cuba has a relatively strong domestic pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry, which responds to the needs of the population and to export opportunities, but things were very different in the late 1970s.

At that time, Cuba had to rely on expensive imports of vaccines and drugs, a dependence all the more difficult in the context of the United States embargo which restricted the sale of medicines from the US to Cuba.


UNIDO and Cuba promote partnership at 2016 International Fair of Havana

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Cuba held a joint presentation on the Country Programme Framework (CPF) 2016-2020 at the 34th International Fair of Havana (FIHAV), consolidating their cooperation towards inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Cuba.

The CPF, signed by UNIDO and the Cuban government in December 2015, is a key tool for building the foundations for ISID in Cuba, and includes a total of 19 projects, with three of them currently being implemented. 
