
UN Special Rapporteur Begins Official Visit to Cuba

The Special Rapporteur of the United Nations (UN) on the human rights of Human Trafficking victims, especially women and children, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, will begin today an official visit to Cuba.

According to the Foreign Ministry of this nation, Giammarinaro will meet in the Cuban capital and carry out other activities that will allow her to confirm Cuba's commitment to the fulfillment of its international obligations in relation to human trafficking.

In the city of Linz, Austria, young people organizations prepare a panel against the blockade

In Linz, an Austrian city that is the capital of the Upper Austria region, a debate panel against the blockade organized by the branch of the Friendship Association Cuba-Austria (ÖKG, by its Dutch initials) of that region in coordination with socialist youth (KSV, by its Dutch initials), and the Austria´s Association of Communist Students (KJÖ, by its Dutch initials) was held.

Cuba franchisings

We are the Division of Franchising of the Non-Hotel Company PALMARES SA, of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Cuba. Owners in Cuba of more than 750 non-hotel facilities, some of them with high international renown and brand notoriety.

