
Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba The United States takes steps in the right direction, but the blockade remains in force.

Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba

The United States takes steps in the right direction, but the blockade remains in force.

On January 14, 2025, the government of the United States announced the following decisions:

1. Remove Cuba from the State Department list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism;

2. Make use of the presidential faculty to prevent US courts from taking action with regards to lawsuits that might be filed by virtue of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act; and

Cuba er stærkt, forenet og uforgængeligt

Cuba er stærkt, forenet og uforgængeligt, kæmper mod uhyret, det fylder mig med stolthed, vi tigger ikke om krummer, vi gennemtvinger vores rettigheder, vi har ret. Cuba er et solidarisk, humanistisk og oprørsk land, ingen liste, ingen handling fra imperiet vil få os til at give efter i vores beslutning om at vinde og forsvare vores hjemland.

Mere end 500.000 cubanere fra hovedstaden, som repræsenterede hele landet, marcherede i Havana. I forreste linje hærgeneral Raul Castro og den cubanske præsident Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez.

Den kriminelle blokade mod det cubanske folk må ophøre

24. november 2024 DKP

Udtalelse fra Danmarks Kommunistiske Partis 39. kongres 16.–17. november 2024

Som følge af den imperialistiske blokade og de sanktioner, USA har pålagt Cuba, herunder placeringen af landet på listen over stater, der støtter terrorisme, står det cubanske folk i dag over for store vanskeligheder.

Unwavering solidarity with an unwavering people and party

It is with deep solidarity and unwavering support that we, Danish Communist Party, extend our hand to the courageous people and leadership of Cuba in the midst of the electricity crisis you are confronting and the devastation brought on by hurricanes and earthquakes, which took a heavy toll on infrastructure and other materials, as well as the human lives. This crisis does not exist in isolation; it unfolds against the backdrop of a brutal, decades-long blockade aimed at suffocating Cuba's socialist experiment.
