
Information to users of the Cuban Consulate

Information to users of the Cuban Consulate

From January 1, 2024, the Consulate of the Republic of Cuba, in the Kingdom of Denmark, will be closed to the public.

It will open again on January 22, 2024, at its usual hours, from 09:00 to 12:00 midday, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Embacuba Dinamarca

Friends of Cuba pay tribute to Fidel in Denmark.

Friends of Cuba pay tribute to Fidel in Denmark.

Copenhagen, November 4, 2023. At a meeting 67 years after the arrival of the Yacht Granma to the coasts of Cuba, on December 2, a tribute ceremony took place that allowed us to remember the legacy and life of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, regarding the celebration, on November 25, of the seventh anniversary of his departure to immortality.

Margarita II receives the Ambassador of Cuba in a farewell audience.

Margarita II receives the Ambassador of Cuba in a farewell audience.

Copenhagen, November 24, 2023. Queen Margaret II of Denmark received the Ambassador of Cuba, Roger López García, in a farewell audience at Amalienborg Palace today.

The Cuban diplomat presented his farewell greetings to the regent, for the end of her mission, after four years in the exercise of her functions, at the head of the Mission of the Republic of Cuba in the Kingdom of Denmark .

In the exchange, various current aspects in the bilateral sphere, and the development of science in our country, were discussed.

Participation of Cubans residing in Denmark in the IV Conference The Nation and Emigration.

Participation of Cubans residing in Denmark in the IV Conference The Nation and Emigration.

Copenhagen, November 20, 2023. Cubans residing in Denmark are invited to attend the “IV Conference on Nation and Emigration”, which was held on November 18 and 19, at the Convention Palace in the Cuban capital.

Ana Luisa Hourrutinier Dorcine, and Pablo Javier Sosa Navarro, attend on behalf of the CRE Group in Denmark, who have developed an intense program of exchange and contacts with the authorities of the Cuban Government, within the framework of the program developed, and have strengthened ties with the rest of the participants in the meeting.
